Fraser Valley 2013.11.16 — It’s not over yet!!!

We have had some rain over the last few days.  Maybe not so much in Vancouver or Richmond but mainly in the chilliwack area.  I knew that the river was going to turn a bit darker than normal, but how high will the river be?  We prepared ourselves for the worst, blown out and chocolate color but it was still very acceptable.

This was the type of water when Dice, Hook and I had one each to take home but with numerous hookups of wilds.  Today, somewhat the same but the only difference is, Dice and Hook got nothing.  I too am not the hero of the day even though i did land 2 hatchery and a couple of wilds.  But here is the hero shot.


The smile says it all.  He never gave up as he knew that there are fewer and fewer days left.  With ice-packs in the car, a cooler to fill, he did what he intended to today.  Congratulations on your first and second hatchery cohos ever!!!  I had one as well but no photos for me as i didn’t want to steal this man’s thunder today.

You can notice a slowdown on the number of fish caught and the quality of fish as well.  These were quite silver at the time when they were caught but color change is inevitable.  Either way, an excellent day for some of us but nonetheless, an enjoyable day for all.  Hope there are still a few more of these days but only the weather can dictate this now, keep the rain away for a bit and we may still be seeing a few more to bring home.  Anyways, have fun out there while it last!!!

Fraser Valley 2013.11.10 — Prime shape

Overall, this weekend has been great with highs and lows. Saturday was probably our best day as a group as we landed more than we could count. But the downside was that we only got 1 fish each and no photo to show for. Dice was the first to land the first fish but we all had hookups prior. It didn’t really matter what method we used, it would still get you something. Hook was all flies, Dice was all blades and i switched between roe and wool. What an amazing day and if only we had another couple of hours of sunlight, i’m sure we could have gotten a lot more.

Today, was a totally different story. We actually went out earlier today compared to yesterday, all in hope of getting a bit more fish to the beach. But with that being said, it is quite the opposite. Wandered up and down river but was hard to connect with anything. So we decided to go back to where we had success previously. There was 2 other anglers there but not as friendly as the ones we had met before. But that is up to them if they choose to fish unhappy because we showed up. There are no secret spots that you can fish by yourself forever. As times get tough, people search and find new spots and whether you want to fish with them or not, it’s bound to happen. Anyways, enough with that as it’s doesn’t play a big part in the post. As i arrived, Hook and Dice was fishing the run already. This is a familiar spot as we fished there days ago so we know exactly where the fish was holding. I make my first cast, nothing. Second cast, too far, i lose my gear to the bushes. No problem, tied on another hook and this time, i used roe. Within 5 cast, the float goes for a swim, I get a nice female chum in pretty good shape. Released without a picture as i see more fish moving through. Re-bait and a couple of cast later, FISH ON!!! Slight colored coho. Not exactly what i was looking for. I must have landed over half a dozen more cohos of various colors, hatchery and wild but nothing fits the recipe. Until this come came along.
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The magic recipe, “Bright silver, greater than 3lbs and must be HATCHERY” This one was 6-7lbs but as fresh as can be. As the season starts to end, what you find may not necessarily be as good so consider yourself lucky if you come across something like this.

More rain is in the forecast, not sure if i will be heading out tomorrow but if i do, i will try to take more photos. Anyways, take care and be safe!!!

Fraser Valley 2013.11.05 — Low water conditions

Girls: Daddy wake up!!! We are going to be late for school!!! Remember, we have to bus to school today!!!
Daddy: Hey, i’m the Daddy here, don’t tell me what to do!!! Make yourselves something to eat and i will be up soon!!!

Lots of love, can’t you tell? So after taking care of some business (driving kids to school), i find myself just wandering. No sense of urgency to drive home quickly. Why is that? That’s right, i have no plans today. I start asking myself, “What am i going to do today?” How about go to a tackle shop to look around? Nah, don’t want to spend money. How about staying home and watch some TV? Nah, nothing good on? How about some fishing? Yah, let’s do that!!!

Rushing home as quickly as i can and making a call to see if Dice wanted to go. He is also on vacation as well and bored out of his mind at home. So i picked him up and drove as fast as i could to our spot without getting a ticket. We arrived at our spot and noticed only half the amount of cars compared to the weekend. Must be a good day, less pressure means more opportunities.

Geared up and walked to the flow to notice that it has dropped at least 6 inches from the weekend. Not good, i can see right to the bottom of the river and couldn’t find where the fish was holding. Walked around for a bit and fished the same spot as last weekend. I did manage to land 1 hatchery coho at that spot but i decided not to keep it because it was slightly colored up. Kept on working the flow but still, nothing would want to take my offering the second time.

Moved down to the next run where everyone was conjugating. I see fish and lots of it too! But the problem was not so much the fishing but the lack of hooking. It was super difficult to entice these cohos to bite so i decided to just leave this run. Everyone was fishing this pocket and i know the cohos are spooked badly. So i told Dice that i will venture on but if he wanted to stay to give it a try, he can do so. And i pointed out to him, “If i don’t return in an hour or so, come look for me as i might have found a good spot.” And off i went.

As i walked and walked, i tried and tried. Looking around to find some deep pockets where they could hold and then i spotted something. A couple of anglers in a distance was into fish. I have fished that run in the past and i know fish are holding there. But how many? Not sure, let’s go and find out. As i approached, i greeted the anglers with a “Hi, do you mind if i fish below you?” It’s always a good way to start the day by being polite. It goes a long way. The Fish God will be happy with you as well when that happens. The the reward is soon to follow. My second cast into the run, Fish ON!!! No joke, after a few minutes, i land the hatchery coho. A 8lbs beauty. The guys were surprised that it was a hatchery as they have been hitting wilds after wilds. A couple of photos to send to Dice so he could come to where i was. But no response. Oh well, keep on fishing. Re-bait, 3rd cast, FISH ON!!! No joke, another hatchery coho in the 9lbs range. Beautiful!!! The guys look at me with disbelief. Here’s a photo of the 2 cohos and my boot for comparison purposes only.
By the time Dice decides to come look for me, the bites slowly turned off but he and i still had a few more hits before the coho’s went lock-jaw. The other anglers managed to get what they wanted and went on their way. I helped them with a photo and in a way, made some new friends on the river. It’s always a great way to meet people and again, being courtesy goes a long way.

Fraser Valley 2013.11.03 — The end of one and a start for another

I finally get a chance to write my blog as the past couple days has been somewhat busy.  So lets start off with Saturday first as this will complete our trip for the vedder river.  We will leave this place for now on a high note and will return when the flakes start to fall.

Saturday starts off rather wet as the forecast calls for a rain warning.  Since we are mainly weekend warriors, we will not bow down to some rain.  As we approach our destination, the rain lets up a little bit so that we could change without getting completely soaked.  But this is a sense of false hope as i knew that there will be the calm before the storm.  We head down to our spot that we found from the previous day to find that others are already working the flow.  But there are lots of un-chartered territories in our books.  So i ventured off myself to see what this area has to offer while the guys stayed back to find a suitable spot for some action.  I worked my way up several runs and found some really nice flows that had fish surfacing but nothing would take my presentation.  After spending an hour working up and down, it was time to give Dice a call to see how the action is at the starting point.  He mentioned that the guys has left shortly after i walked off so that is great as that spot has produced a significant amount for me previously.  So i quickly headed back to see Dice and Kemal resting on the side.  I greeted with my usual appearance, “Howdy boyz, did you guys limit out already?”  The both looked at me with lost hope and i can see it in their eyes that they felt nothing would take their offering.  So i head on down to the exact same rock i was standing on to start and change what they believe was a slow day.  As i was making my first cast, we were chit chatting about how this would be a good spot.  But they didn’t believe, so nothing for the first cast, they continued to say that it wasn’t happening here but the second cast proved them wrong as my float dives after about 2 seconds into the drift.  After i set the hook, head shakes reinsures a connection with my target.  At this point, i was still talking to the guys that this was the spot that did me well.  But i had to interrupt the conservation and said i would get back to them after i land this fish.  They all smiled with disbelief but was very excited to see me fight and eventually with the help from them, the first coho landed.  A bright 8lber but wild and on its way it went.

So after a few more cast, they decided to get up and give it a go again.  I was quite happy to have been able to change their mind set.  To make a long story short, i finally landed a nice hatchery coho in the 6lbs range which went home with Kemal and another hatchery jack coho which was released.  The guys didn’t get anything for the effort they put in but the Fish God knows.  One day, their hard work and dedication will get them into fish after fish.  I have paid my dues over the years and i’m starting to get results now.  Never give up boys!!!

Sunday, a new river system which we only fish several times a year is reunited with spawning salmons.  This time of year is when we come back to explore what is long forgotten but always missed.  It’s always great to come back here as the crowds are thinner but with great conversations over the years.  As we headed down, a group was leaving but leaving us with the impression that it’s going to be a tough day.  When you see smiles, it’s an indication of success but that was not present as they strolled by us.  No worries, i can’t expect to get fish in a system that we have not been to for almost a year.  So we walked to our usual spot to take a look.  I see some shadows sliding back and forth in the shallows.  Not bad, at least there are some around.  Hooking them would be another story.  Water is low and the flow is crawling, would be perfect for the fly but let’s see how it pans out from the other side.  Wading thigh high in water was a breeze.  Normally we look like idiots trying to cross the fast current with unforeseeable drops which the spawners dig.  Once on the other side, i headed for high grounds to do some sighting.  As usual, fish are congested in the usual spots.  Over hundreds of coho and chum in the mix but getting these to bite is going to be tough.  The conditions are ideal for fly fishing but sometimes, clear and low water makes for a very frustrating day.  You know they are there but how do you get them to bite.  This statement runs through every individual that tries out here.  After about an hour working it with roe, i decided to switch it up.  If they wanted roe, i would have had a hit or two within the first 10 mins of casting.  That is just from my personal experience but it’s different for everyone.  Time for some wool.  Nothing fancy, just some red wool.  Small presentation so i don’t spook the fish and after a few drifts, here is what i got.


A nice 7lber with lots of roe for next year. After that Hook and i were into fish after fish. Non stop action for about 2hrs of fishing as Dice decides to venture off to find his faith. Hook lands one of the clean chrome chum that i mistook for a coho. There are some very fresh fish in this system. My wild coho was chrome as a bullet. So all in all, i hooked over 6 fish but only decided to keep this one as the others were jacks. Next time i will keep some jacks just to make fish and chips.

The rain is coming, hoping it’s a good amount but gradual. We don’t want the river to get blown out as that will just make it for very tough and wet day. I would have to say we got 3 weeks left of fishing at the most. The weather is starting to really get cold and early morning is just a bit above freezing temps. Keep warm and bring some food if you plan to stay out longer. A empty stomach gets you cold fast. I have the rest of the week off, so expect more posts if i get something.

Vedder River 2013.11.01 — Short but sweet

Took the day off work today to run a few errands for the wife. Mainly was to drive my girls around as their mommy needed to work. So no biggie for me as this will give me a chance to fish the Vedder as well. Last week was a bit slow and i didn’t have a clue where the fish could be. One can only hope for another day of redemption.

Dropped the girls off at school and i headed into work for a bit to complete a few items on my to-do list. Picked up Dice after a bit of work and headed back to my place to get my gear. Time to go and get the girls to drive into Langley for gym. After dropping them off, headed to the river and arrived shortly after 2pm. Not much time to fish as this was a new spot that i have not been to but have always wanted to try.

As we settled in, we notices a few fish jumping here and there and it got my heart beat faster. Thinking inside that i have to connect with at least one of these guys. Doesn’t matter if it’s a chum or coho, i just wanted to see the float take a dive. Baited up and worked the flow for about 5mins. For some reason, i didn’t think the bait was going to work so i switched it up. Slapped on a nice silver blade and started to casts to the other side of the bank. First cast, nothing. Second cast, nothing as well. Third cast, float goes down!!! Late to respond and i didn’t even set the hook, and the silver flashes are so mesmerizing. I just cranked, nothing i could do at this point. Was thinking about giving it a yank or two to see if that would set it in, but decided to just play it calmly. I know it was a coho, the distinct flashing sets it apart from all the other species that i have encountered. I get to battle it for about 5 minutes and thought that it was hooked good but the next second, the blade comes shooting back at me. I noticed my balsa float went crashing into the rock, i quickly picked it up to take a look. Upset!!! First i lose the fish and add insult to injury, my is damaged on one side. I love this float and the last thing i want is to lose another one but this is just mean.

I take a few minutes to calm myself down but now i know where the fish are hiding. Now it’s time to switch back to bait. Before i didn’t know where they were, i don’t want to waste bait by testing it out. You can end up losing everything before finding them and what will you fish with afterwards? Anyways, baited up, followed the seam and quickly my float takes a dive. A few minutes later, Dice helps me land this beauty of a fish. 8lbs wild/hatchery coho? I told Dice, “Please be a hatchery” and he says, “mis-clip” with a big smirk. Then i look at him again, and he laughs and says it’s a wild. Damn you for getting my hopes up. Anyways, released without a shot as i knew the fish was active and no time to waste, i baited up again.

We fished for approximately 3hrs but really it was a little over 2hrs. Dice managed to hook a big chum and i ended the day with over 8 hits. All showing silver before releasing my hook. The landing ratio really sucked today but still, i managed 1 wild coho(released), 1 hatchery jack(released) and 2 hatchery coho(in the bag). So all in all, a great day, still lots of coho around, just have to search for them now.

We have a rain warning happening here this weekend so make sure safety first. The water can come up pretty quickly so keep an eye on a static object and use that as an indicator. We will be out again to the same spot tomorrow but a bit later, we need to sleep a bit more as the last 2 months has taken a big toll on both Dice and I. But i can’t understand why he is tired, he hasn’t gotten much this season, must be all the driving, hahahaha. Anyways, good luck all and finish the season on a high note.

Here is one of the fish, ready to be eaten!!
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Vedder River 2013.10.27 — Tail End of the run

This weekend only a couple of fish for each of us. First off, Saturday, I didn’t fish as i had friends from out of town and was a tour guide for the whole day. But Dice and Kemal went out and here is what they each got.
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A hatchery coho for Dice but another wild for Kemal.

Sunday, it’s really winding down now. Not many cohos in the lower section of the river but lots of old chums around. Still with lots of fight left in these chum but nothing worth keeping for consumption. If we just count catching fish, then we all got some so the streak continues. No picture of the chum today but i did give away a white belly chum to someone on the river just so i could have the roe. I will not kill a fish for just the roe and have the fish wasted so this deal worked out perfectly. Nothing goes to waste and we all can benefit from it.

Not sure if we will be coming to this river again till steelheading but if we do, we will have to move high up in the system. This time of year is a great time to explore and can be rewarded with lots of silvers but i think it’s time for us to move on. We have other systems to see and to pay our respect so hopefully our next post will be something different.

Enjoy the rest of the season as it will all come to an end soon and we will have to wait for another 6 months before we can do salmon fishing on the rivers again.

Vedder River 2013.10.20 — A first for everything

Well, was too tired from yesterday fishing and didn’t get a chance to post anything but this will be a post for both days.  Lets start with Saturday first as its a special one for a team member.

Started off at first light on Saturday at the spot that i fished on Thursday.  It was really early, really early, i couldn’t even open my eyes that morning.  Arrived at the river at about 6am with only a couple of cars around but within minutes, it started to pack up.  Time to gear up and move on down to the river to get a spot.  As we get later into the season, the weather is not forgiving.  And since we are using roe to get our cohos, our hand is constantly touching the water so numbness is inevitable.   To make a long story short, i got 2 wilds and 1 hatchery but it’s not as big of a deal as this person.  His first coho on the vedder and it’s a wild 5lber.


Today was suppose to be another first light outing but i just couldn’t do it. After cleaning the fish from yesterday and slicing up the gravlax and a bit of this and a bit of that. It was 1am and first light was in 3hours, so i opted out and sent a message to the boys to say that i would not be fishing. You are probably wondering, did i read that right? He doesn’t want to go fishing? hahaha, you know, an 11 day holiday with 9 of which was spent on the river. I’m beat and the cold water and hot afternoons, it really takes a toll on your body. But i still went fishing today, much later though. All in all, a good day still with only a chum to show for but again, here is the first chum for us this season.
We were thinking what was up with the chum this year, why could we not get them? But i think they are still stuck at the mouth of the river and waiting for the rain to push into the system. There’s still fish around but have to work harder for it as the water gets lower and lower.

Anyways, we will probably fish the vedder one more time before we move off and find another system to try. But hope you all do well out there and don’t give up. Even Dice started using roe for the first time and hooked a wild coho yesterday to end the drought!!